Hauteville Productions is an independent documentary production company, born of a desire to make sense of the world, favoring an auteur’s approach with a strong vision aimed at a broad audience. The company was founded in 2017 by Karina Si Ahmed and Guillaume Allary.
Karina Si Ahmed has been executive and creative producer of over 40 documentaries and news magazines since 2007, including many films of international scope that were acquired by broadcasters across the world. Whether in History, Arts & Culture or Science, her productions have been critically acclaimed and awarded in numerous festivals in France and abroad.
Guillaume Allary founded the successful independent publishing house Allary Editions in 2013 (Riad Sattouf, Matthieu Ricard, Raphaël Glucksmann, Charles Pépin, Bernard Pivot, Albert Moukheiber, Marylène Patou-Mathis, Diane Brasseur, Alexandre Lacroix, David Djaïz, Lauren Bastide, Michel Hazanavicius...). As well as being an editor, he wrote, directed and produced documentaries since 2003.
They have been joined by Vivien Meltz, producer, in charge of development, Manka Sierakowski for legal and financial follow-up, Gilles Walger as line producer, Maxime Taburiaux and Lisa Place as production assistants and Sophie Nicolas as production administrator.
In 2021, they decided to widen their activities into drama productions, in both fiction and animation.
Hauteville Productions has been nominated at Procirep Award for Best French TV Producer in 2020, 2021 and 2022.