A aA documentary by VINCENT AMOUROUX
Inspired by the book Your Brain Is Playing Tricks On You by ALBERT MOUKHEIBER
Our brain is constantly playing tricks on us. For the sake of speed and efficiency, it reconstructs and simplifies reality, opening the door to misleading and falsely logical though patters called 'cognitive biases'. These intuitive and automatic brain mechanisms are at the origin of many error judgment that affect our behavior at individual and societal scales. Magicians rely on these biases to work out their tricks; swindlers exploit them for their own profit; marketing and advertising never stop playing with them; fake news is propagated thanks to them. They allow us to explain some of our prejudices, to better understand some of our mental blocks - stress, fear of speaking in public...
Original and playful in its style without sacrificing anything to the content, this film is based on a charismatic main character: the young Franco-Lebanese neuroscientist Albert Moukheiber. It takes us on a global journey following top scientists to better understand how the brain works.